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Atomic State

Atoms represent the state. Each Atom can be listened to individually and, when changed, can trigger effects that may rebuild Widgets.

final counterState = atom(0);

Usually, the type of the Atom is inferred automatically, but it can also be specified during creation:

final counterState = atom<int>(0);

In Flutter terms, an Atom is also a Listenable, meaning the addListener and removeListener methods are available to observe an Atom individually.


Although it is possible to use the Listenable methods like addListener, it is recommended to use atomEffect instead.

This will help maintain a healthy pattern in the project.


Atoms are prepared to be observed. Therefore, it is important to identify each Atom with a unique identifier to make it easier to identify. See more details in the Observability Section.

final counterState = atom<int>(0, key: 'counterState');


Sometimes it is necessary to interfere in the normal flow of changing the state of an Atom and to do this We can transform the value right after the state change or right at creation using AtomPipe.

Each Atom can receive a list of AtomPipe that are executed synchronously.
ASP has some very useful pipes already pre-built. Are they:

  • debounceTime: Emits a notification from an Atom only after a specified period of time has passed without another source issuing.
  • throttleTime: Emits a notification from an [Atom], then ignores subsequent source values for duration milliseconds, then repeats this process.
  • intervalPipe: Emits a notification from an Atom after a given duration.

final textState = atom<String>(
pipes: [debounceTime()],

expect(textState.buffer(3), completion(['ja', 'jaco', 'jacob']));

final action = atomAction((set) async {
set(textState, 'j');
set(textState, 'ja');
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
set(textState, 'jac');
set(textState, 'jaco');
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
set(textState, 'jacob');



Be sure to look at how to create a custom pipe in the Custom Pipe Section.